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'Strategy in Digital transformation' boek



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Juni 2024 verschijnt het 'Strategy in Digital transformation' boek, als eerste publicatie in de  TIMAF Digital transformation serie.


Dit boek legt uit hoe je digitale strategieën kunt creëren, delen, uitvoeren, meten en optimaliseren en zo een succesvolle digitale transformatie kunt realiseren. 


Met een optimale combinatie van theorie, best practices, voorbeelden and oefeningen kun je alles wat je in dit boek leert de volgende dag in de praktijk brengen.


Beschikbaar als paperback, ePUB en PDF.

Strategy in Digital transformation - book cover - shadow.png

What's in the book

1.  Before you begin

What you need to know before you begin

The book starts with an introduction, a reader's guide, and an explanation of the exercises, workshop instructions, the examples, and the strategy game tools. 

2.  Strategy

What's a good strategy 

Digital transformations often fail due to a lack of a clear strategy. This chapter explains what a strategy really is about and why it’s so hard to get a good strategy.

3. Digital transformation

What digital transformation is about

When you say ‘Digital strategy’ you say ‘Digital transformation’. Something is happening in the world and it’s digital. This chapter explains what digital transformation is about and why it fails so often. 

4. Digital strategy

How to translate a business strategy into digital

Once the business strategy is clear, you can focus on translating it into a digital strategy. This chapter explains what a digital strategy is and how to create, share, execute, measure and optimise a digital strategy.

5.  Digital maturity

How to reach a higher level of digital maturity

Creating strategies for a successful digital transformation is not for the weak-hearted or the immature. This chapter explains why digital maturity is key for digital transformation success and why strategy is such an important part of digital maturity.

6. Ready for strategy?

Where to find help and more information

All good things come to an end.? Well, the work is just starting.  In this chapter you find some resources and further help in creating, sharing, measuring and improving digital strategies.

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What comes with the book

Use these instruments to facilitate your strategy workshops

Digital strategy Game poster
Digital strategy - Game cards.png
Digital strategy - Templates

Digital strategy game poster

Digital strategy templates

Digital strategy game cards

Why you need this book

Step-by-step approach

The 'Strategy in Digital transformation' book will lead you through the steps of digital strategies from creation until measurement and improvement. With clear illustrations, instructions, tips, examples, and instruments that guide you through the strategy process.

Practical tips & instruments

The book will give you practical tips from the author and experts in the market. With the book you will receive multiple instruments you can use today. Use them in workshops, presentations, and while collaboratively working on the execution, measurement, and improvement of your strategies.

Real life examples

In this book you will find 10 examples from various sectors and digital environments that explain how to setup a digital strategy from the beginning until measurement and improvement. We will add more examples in the book and on this webpage.

Help to execute strategy

The problem with strategies is the lack of execution. This book will help you to actually execute your strategies. You will learn to execute, measure and improve strategies.

Build a culture where management, strategists and professionals work closely together.

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If you’d like to talk to one of our strategy consultants, get in touch today.

A look inside the book

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English e-book: juni 2024

English paperback: september 2024

Nederlands e-book: september 2024

Nederlandse paperback: oktober 2024

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